Saturday 7 September 2019

NEW IDEA - 101 Ways to be a Happy Housewife 1963

New Idea 13 November 1963

New Idea Magazine came into being in 1928, although it was published under other titles as early as 1902. It has always been a reflection of the times.

The “101 ways to be a Happy Housewife” promised on the cover of this edition are wide-ranging. Some are strictly practical (E.g. No 88 “Cut down on the washing up while the children are home on holidays by using paper plates.”) Many more are dedicated to working on one's outer gorgeousness whilst still completing the housework. E.g. No 82 “....Do a beauty chore when you're doing something else – such as straightening up your posture when you're on the phone.” Another tip involved developing “hand grace” through clenching the fists....I wonder why the happy housewife would be doing that?!

The attention to detail was, by today's standards, truly awesome (E.g. No. 55 “It is quite a timesaver in the long run if you put in a few quick stitches of white thread to mark the extra-soiled spots before washing.”)

If anyone is in doubt as to how far Australia's cuisine has come since the sixties I refer you to the instructions for “A Quick Dinner Dish” (No 80) “Heat a 12oz can corned beef, remove from can, put into a baking dish. Spoon over top a mixture of juice of ½ orange, ¼ cup brown sugar and ¼ teaspoon dry mustard. Stud top with a few cloves, cook in moderately hot oven about 10 minutes.” You'll have to take my word for it that this was not the worst recipe in the list!!

Amongst the ads found elsewhere in the magazine, the reader might be tempted by a parcel of Apron length fabrics “gay boil-fast prints” for 17/6, the “Slimassor” from Paris which guaranteed to trim off an inch of fat in three days for a mere 99/6, or Golden Circle tinned fruit salad which promised to be “as exciting as a tropical holiday.”

Oh and there is just so much more!!!!!!

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