Friday 27 September 2019

LIFE IN THE EAGLE'S NEST - a Sunday school prize from 1884

Life in the Eagle's Nest - Front Cover

Life in the Eagle's Nest - Back Cover

According to the inscription inside the front cover, Life in the Eagle's Nest – A Tale of Afghanistan by A.L.O.E. was awarded to my great grandfather “for good attendance and diligence by Waratah Wesleyan Sabbath School 16/3/84.”

As it seemed to be a rather obscure little title, I was surprised to find further details on-line – evidently A.L.O.E. stands for “A Lady of England., and the author's real name was Charlotte Maria Tucker. She was born in 1821 and so was over sixty when this book came out. A.L.O.E. Is a woman of her times – convinced of her innate superiority as a white woman and a Christian in a way that is truly cringe-worthy to most modern readers.

Referring to herself in the third person she writes in the preface: “A.L.O.E. Wants money for her “Mission Plough,” a School for Mohammedan and heathen boys in Batala, and it occurred to her that hours, not taken from her city work, might be given to earning something by literary effort”
The text is, in turn, hilariously and embarrassingly bad – e.g. in case you can't read the caption to the picture is says “I have him now! Dog of a renegade die!” exclaimed Mustapha, aiming the pistol at the head of Ali Khan.”

The cover of the book, however, is gorgeous and a photograph doesn't really convey the beauty of the deeply embossed the dark blue cover – with black debossed sections on the front and embossed plain blue on the back. The picture on the front is etched in a bright gold, which has retained its vibrancy after all these years, as has the spine which is also embossed, and has gold engraved detail. Independent of its contents, this book is a really is a lovely object to look at and to touch.

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