Saturday 18 January 2020


It was my intention to show off this little selection of vintage vinyl and make the comment that musical tastes have changed...

HOWEVER...when I did a little research I found that lovers of organ music can still access the magic of Barry Hall on a number of on-line streaming services.  (As a St Kilda fan I'm still struggling with the name). 
"Happy Organ" was released in 1974.

 Leon Berry's album featuring bells, chimes and glockenspiels (pay close attention to the intensity of his gaze).  He was evidently a renowned organist at skating rinks, who released several albums, this one dating back to 1961.

Last, but not least "Love is a Piano AccordiOn" by the AccordiOnettes was released in 1977.  I donated this one to folks who are sometimes involved in quiz nights thinking along the lines of  "Complete this question - Love is a............." (with the instrument and relevant words covered.  Have to say, "a piano accordian" wouldn't be the most obvious answer for me!)

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