Saturday 4 January 2020


Before the internet, we had to look things up in books, and if we were lucky we had access to encyclopaedias, an alphabetically organized treasure trove of information about....well..just about everything really.

In the 1950s and 60s most homes at least aspired to have a set, be it the Funk and Wagnells, purchased in weekly volumes from the local newsagency or the weighty Encyclopaedia Britannica.  There was a real pride in the ownership of such desirable things.

It is sad that in 2019, I literally couldn't give the volumes in the photograph away - even the charity I contacted said that they did not accept donations of encyclopaedias.  Despite the little voice in my head saying "you really don't have the room to take these home" I did just that - (well the Britannicas and the Popular Mechanics anyway - I thought the medical volumes might just lead to hypochondria).  Wikipedia is amazing, as are many other internet sources but books operate in a different way, and I know I'll end up finding out all sorts of things I didn't even know I didn't know by randomly dipping into the volumes.  Besides they are things of beauty with gorgeous maroon binding and gold foiled spines, and very tactile - far too fine for the skip1

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