Saturday 1 February 2020


This week I'm sharing my grandmother's tea towel collection.  Once just about everyone collected something, and I suspect most people, one way or another, still do with minimalism and "decluttering" being so much in vogue at the moment its almost something one needs to "confess" rather than delight in. Tea towels aren't really my thing but I'm enough of a collector to have some insight into how Nanna would probably have felt about them.

For her tea towels were an affordable way to remember places and occasions, or the people who had given them to her. The tpwe;s are colourful and each one is in its way unique.  As an added bonus, they are easy to pack and store.   None of them have been used, and all were carefully folded and stored in individual bags, so Nanna could get them out and look at them whenever she wanted.   I felt a degree of responsibility to find them a new home with someone who would appreciate them in the same way and am pleased to report that I did locate another tea towel fan was just as excited as I'd hoped to add to her collection.